As far as the use process and consumption of electrode paste are concerned, the electrode paste is a continuous self-baking electrode. In the use process, the outer of the electrode paste is a cylinder made of 1-2 mm thick steel plate.
The electrode paste is added into the cylinder regularly. With the production going on, the electrode paste gradually softens, melts and roasts. During roasting, a large amount of volatile matter is released. After entering the conductive clip of the electrode, the conductive carbon electrode is made from semi-coking to coking at high temperature. The paste of the electrode is baked into conductive electrode by various heat of the furnace itself, so it is called self-baking electrode. During the working process of the electrode, a cylinder is connected to the top of the electrode at intervals, and a part of the electrode paste is added, so it is repeated.
Copyright: Shanxi Jiangxian Jinhua Carbon Co., Ltd. Mobile phone: 13503592323 13520189288
Address: Jutaicun Industrial Park, Hengshui Town, Jiangxian County, Shanxi Province Record No. Jin ICP Prepared ***